Monday, March 06, 2006

O2 day 1

whoa.. todae was so damned boring with a few fun moments at least.. 2v2 soccer wif jameson ys and eugene was intense, leaving my legs hurting quite abit. pretty aimless if you ask me.. we were stoning most of the time and quite a few of my frens wen home hafway? lol

and tmr looks like its going to be worse. Well, at least we'll be doing work for charity so, there is an aim to it all. Hopefully the malay family we're going to has english speaking ppl if not my grp is screwed.. but tt is probably highly unlikely.

and got a pretty bad reception from the dudes at fa duty, where cyrus phagocytosis-ed me, engulfing me into his belly. yikes, tt sounds pretty sick.

and stop irritating me abt starfire pls, it was just a comparision. lol.

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